In its column Inspired by…? X-Ray Fashion Intelligence Magazine featured Miami designer Michel Abraham.
What inspires you in your creative work? Was it something you experienced recently, a journey, a film/book/song that inspired you to create your latest collection or are there certain people/bands/artists/colleagues/places around you that provide you with constant inspiration?
If you have ever been hungry in your life, you have probably experienced how suddenly, one sees food everywhere… you realise there are ads for food everywhere, pictures of food everywhere, you start smelling food every couple of meters.
It is just the way the brain works. People who are passionate about cars, notice this car or this car passing by in the street… People who are passionate about motorcycles will get excited about a “Ducati” parked on the pavement, others wouldn’t even see it, and just walk around it mechanically, thinking about tonight’s diner.
When you are looking for inspiration, you must put yourself in a similar state of mind. Look for inspiration, and it will naturally come to you. Be passionate about what you do.
Just like when you are hungry, and food becomes a priority for your mind… You will notice things everywhere, things that you would have not noticed otherwise. Everything becomes inspiration, everything takes another meaning. A picture on somebody’s desk, the colors of the exotic fishes swirling around in the fish tank, a TV documentary about pollution, the logo on your grandfather’s watch. What will cristalize out of this approach, as it is made of what surrounds you, will reflect the zeitgeit, the spirit of the time we are living in. And Zeitgeist is what fashion is all about. Michel Abraham